Assigning writing to students and teaching students how to write are not one in the same. The Writing Program provides formal training in writing pedagogy to help graduate students develop their ability to teach writing and design classroom materials that support writing students.
This training helps graduate students develop as teachers and can be especially useful for students seeking teaching-intensive jobs in higher education. Being conversant in Writing Studies is advantageous for graduate students seeking work in departments that include writing programs.
Writing 202: Writing and Learning Seminar

Are you at TA or GSI for a Disciplinary Course at UCSC? Do you need or want guidance in teaching from graduate faculty with expertise in writing pedagogy and curriculum design? WRIT 202 is for you. In WRIT 202, our entry-level course for graduate students, you will learn:
- how to help undergraduate students build on what they learned in required writing courses,
- how to deal with faculty-created writing assignments to help students successfully complete those assignments,
- how to design activities that help students plan, draft, and revise their writing assignments,
- how to discover disciplinary conventions for writing and teach those conventions to students,
- and more!
Writing 203: Teaching Writing

WRIT 203 offers a comprehensive curriculum that will equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and practical tools needed to be a more confident and effective instructor of record for writing courses. Under the guidance of graduate faculty in the Writing Program, you’ll learn to develop compelling syllabi, provide helpful feedback on students’ drafts, and foster a supportive learning environment for those enrolled in your courses. Along the way, you’ll discover a community of future faculty like yourself—those who want to put teaching first and who hope to make the teaching of writing a part of their work as faculty.
Note: To date, this course has primarily been offered to graduate students who were interested in teaching Writing 2 as GSIs. This program has been suspended due to funding changes.