What kind of writing can I receive tutoring on?
You can bring any type of writing to Writing Program drop-in tutoring, though our tutoring is designed to support required Writing Program courses. Projects may include papers and other compositions (podcasts, infographics, etc.).
At what stage of the process is tutoring helpful?
Tutoring can help at any stage! Students often wait to get tutoring until they have a full draft (or until something “goes wrong”), but tutoring is also helpful in interpreting assignments, coming up with ideas (sometimes called the “invention” process), and working through partial drafts. Tutors can also help you better understand feedback you’ve received on your projects.
Do you correct grammar in my drafts?
This is a common misconception of tutoring and writing centers—that we simply edit your work. While we can help identify and address persistent grammar issues in your writing, this is only a part of what we do. Also, revision is the best approach to working on grammar issues!
How often can I get help?
We want to make sure that you are supported as a writer. Let your tutor and course instructor know how often you would like to use the writing program’s tutoring service.
What if I need tutoring when I’m not in a Writing Program course?
There are other writing support services available on campus, including Learning Support Services and the Writing Center (also known as the Westside Writing Center).