This form of tutoring has a specific tutor assigned to a specific course. Your instructor will introduce you to your tutor who will help you register for WCOnline, the website that you will use to schedule tutoring sessions. You should only schedule tutoring appointments with the assigned tutor for your course.

For decades, the Writing Program’s Writing Assistance/Tutoring program has supported students in required writing courses. This program offers students enrolled in those courses peer support that complements the support provided by Writing Program faculty. Tutors, sometimes referred to as “Trained Writing Assistants” (WAs), work with students to engage and discover different facets of the writing process, ultimately encouraging students to develop self-editing and improved awareness of the codes and conventions of academic writing.
Your tutor is a valuable resource for you to get additional help on your writing. Since they are assigned to your class, they will know your instructor and be familiar with your course assignments; you can connect with your tutor regularly, at all stages of writing, for feedback and support throughout the quarter. They may also provide in-class support or other assistance. And you may want to become a tutor!
Remember that you don’t need to be struggling to get help with your writing—all students benefit from tutoring!