Drop-In Tutoring

This is a QR code. It links to: https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/91516462398?pwd=L1FSVHhNVU9HR2w0QTdoWjFwakNyQT09

We offer drop-in tutoring—no appointment necessary—for everyone in required Writing Program courses. Drop-in tutoring is offered online (on Zoom) from 12-1p, Monday to Friday. (You can also use the QR code to the left to get to the drop-in Zoom for tutoring.)

Drop-In Tutoring 12-1p, Monday-Friday, on Zoom

To see our full schedule and reserve an appointment at other times, visit  WCOnline. Please note that there are multiple writing centers with online platforms at UCSC. For Writing Program tutoring, be sure to use the WP’s scheduling site.

Last modified: Oct 29, 2023