
Senate Faculty

Elizabeth S Abrams

Profile picture of Elizabeth S Abrams

Dev Bose

Profile picture of Dev Bose

Kimberly Adilia Helmer

Profile picture of Kimberly Adilia Helmer

Heather M Shearer

Profile picture of Heather M Shearer

Amy Vidali

Profile picture of Amy Vidali

Tanner WouldGo

Profile picture of Tanner WouldGo

Jamila Kareem

Profile picture of Jamila Kareem


Margaret C Amis

Profile picture of Margaret C Amis

Derede L Arthur

Profile picture of Derede L Arthur

Mark Baker

Profile picture of Mark Baker

Anthony Breakspear

Profile picture of Anthony Breakspear

Gail A Brenner

Profile picture of Gail A Brenner

Susannah Carney-Waddy

Profile picture of Susannah Carney-Waddy

Steven J Coulter

Profile picture of Steven J Coulter

Ray L Daniels

Profile picture of Ray L Daniels

Dina Adel El Dessouky

Profile picture of Dina Adel El Dessouky

Lara Galas

Profile picture of Lara Galas

Joy Hagen

Profile picture of Joy Hagen

Erica L Halk

Profile picture of Erica L Halk

Roxanne P Hamilton

Profile picture of Roxanne P Hamilton

Daniel Joesten

Profile picture of Daniel Joesten

Robin King

Profile picture of Robin King

Taylor Joy Kirsch

Profile picture of Taylor Joy Kirsch

Lindsay Elizabeth Knisely

  • Title
    • Continuing Lecturer, Oakes College & Writing Program
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of Lindsay Elizabeth Knisely

Madeline Lane

Profile picture of Madeline Lane

Ingrid Lariviere

Profile picture of Ingrid Lariviere

Toby H Loeffler

Profile picture of Toby H Loeffler

Philip Matthew Longo

Profile picture of Philip Matthew Longo

Brij D Lunine

Profile picture of Brij D Lunine

Alexandra McCourt

Profile picture of Alexandra McCourt

Kate McQueen

Profile picture of Kate McQueen

Sarah R Michals

Profile picture of Sarah R Michals

Joseph Mark Navarro

Profile picture of Joseph Mark Navarro

Ellen S Newberry

Profile picture of Ellen S Newberry

Sara Louise Nuila-Chae

Profile picture of Sara Louise Nuila-Chae

Tina Sander Osborne

Profile picture of Tina Sander Osborne

Sarah-Hope Parmeter

Profile picture of Sarah-Hope Parmeter

Daniel G Pearce

Profile picture of Daniel G Pearce

Kate Marie Ross

Profile picture of Kate Marie Ross

Kristin Roybal

Profile picture of Kristin Roybal

Brenda Samantha Sanfilippo

Profile picture of Brenda Samantha Sanfilippo

Lisa Ann Schilz

Profile picture of Lisa Ann Schilz

Andrea Seeger

Profile picture of Andrea Seeger

Denise L Silva

Profile picture of Denise L Silva

Kiva Silver

Profile picture of Kiva Silver

Terry L Terhaar

Profile picture of Terry L Terhaar

Tiffany L Wong

Profile picture of Tiffany L Wong


Margaret Yin Wa Tam

  • Title
    • Writing Program Advisor
  • Phone
    • 831-459-2431
  • Campus Email
Profile picture of Margaret Yin Wa Tam

Fiona S Weigant

Profile picture of Fiona S Weigant

Rebecca Dizon

Profile picture of Rebecca Dizon
Last modified: Jul 15, 2024