Dev Bose

User Dev Bose

User Associate Teaching Professor

he, him, his, his, himself

Humanities Division

Associate Teaching Professor



Stevenson College Academic Building
Stevenson 267

Stevenson Academic Services

Dev K. Bose (he/him) earned a Ph.D. in Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design from Clemson University in 2011. Having taught in and directed various university writing programs across the United States, Bose is interested in universal design for learning (UDL), with an emphasis on rhetorical privilege and access pertaining to technology, invisible disabilities, and neurodiversity. 


His work has appeared in Disability Studies Quarterly, Deaf Studies Encyclopedia, Intermezzo, Enculturation, Technoculture, Currents in Teaching and Learning, Business and Technical Communication, and Chronicle of Higher Education. He is working on a multi-authored collection on disability, access, and the teaching of writing, to be published by National Council of Teachers of English in 2024.



Primary reseach areas: writing program administration, multimodal composition, business and technical writing, and disability studies


Secondary research areas: cultural rhetorics and qualitative research methods

Last modified: Jan 23, 2025